Sunday, March 15, 2009

First post ... amazing!

Ok, so I haven't had a blog in forever. Actually, I don't think I've ever had a blog. The closest thing I've had was that LiveJournal thing that you all may recall from, like, seven years ago. I didn't even do a good job keeping up with that, actually. You would think, being a journalist and writing for a living, I'd be better with this.

You would be wrong.

But now I've been forced into having a blog again by the girls in our Core Group (read: cult) who said, and I quote, "You're not a member of the group until you have a blog!" In fact, in the three times Sarah Hearn e-mailed me, every single time she managed to say some variation of, "START A BLOG AND TELL US SO WE CAN STALK YOU!" I definitely feel loved. And a lot of peer pressure. :)

Patrick and I did have fun coming up with a name for this, however. We have this favorite SNL skit with Garth Brooks and Will Ferrell, where Garth is willing to sell his soul to the devil for a hit song. Of course, the devil writes really crappy songs, which we love. So don't be surprised if one day you come to the blog and the name has changed from "Keeping Up With the Joneses" to "We've Been Bitten By the Love Bat ... And It's Driving Us Mad!" That's also why the blog's URL is Sorry for the SNL nerdiness. 

Anyhow, I'm hopeful that this attempt at keeping up a blog will go better. It probably will if people will leave comments and at least let me know someone reads this. I'm going to try to update at least once a week, probably on Saturdays or Sundays. And for those who care about such things, I'll try and leave a list of prayer requests at the bottom -- that'll help me keep up with the blog, too. And I'll probably use this as an opportunity to pass on interesting or funny news articles (which I love to do on Facebook).

Prayer requests:
-That mine and Patrick's relationship with God will continue to grow
-That our relationship with each other will continue to deepen
-That my Mom won't be so stressed with work
-That my brother will be able to start thinking about college, basketball and his future with both of those


  1. Once a week?! You made me update my livejournal every single day for like a year!

  2. Well Im glad that you have joined the blogging world.

  3. That's true, Cooner, but you haven't updated your Cat Jesus blog in, like, two years. Come on, dude.

  4. You did it! I/we(core group gals) are glad you did! Can't wait to read your posts "weekly" or perhaps more often. Believe me, they will get read and people will comment.
