Well, this past weekend was an eventful one. I was in my friend Katie (which I sometimes spell KT)'s wedding in our hometown, Talladega ... she was one of my bridesmaids too, so I guess it was payback time! :) No, really, the wedding was awesome. It was such a packed weekend! Friday night, we had the dress rehearsal and dinner (which I managed to show up late for ... the invitation said dinner at 5:30, and I completely forgot there would be a rehearsal before dinner! DUH!). After the rehearsal, we had a big swanky party to go to hosted by about 40 people. I saw people there I have not seen in years and years. I was so tired that night!
Next day, we had a BBQ luncheon (I know, crazy, right?) and then hanging out as a group until the wedding at 5, and then the reception went until 9 p.m.! (I didn't stay that late, though -- my feet were killing me!) I think it was exactly the wedding KT and Riley wanted, and I'm so honored to have been a part of it!
KT and Riley are on a mini-tour of Europe for the honeymoon -- they're visiting Paris, Amsterdam and Germany this week. After that, they'll move on to Roanoke, Va., and who knows what from there. I may not see KT much anymore, but I'm so glad we were part of each other's special days! Y'all please pray for her and Riley, that they might have a successful marriage and learn to live together in the light of the Lord. (That was a lot of alliteration, but it sounded good!)
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