First of all, I now have a Twitter account. If any of you have Twitter and want to follow me or just want to check it out, my handle is amyjones17. It's mostly just a micro-blog that I update a few times a day. I don't know, Tweeting is a lot easier than blogging ... especially since I can do it from my cell phone and can only write, maybe, two or three sentences. PERFECT!
We are so excited about Momma Goldberg's Deli opening soon!! Patrick and I plan on going out there whenever we can, especially to support Hal and Maghan! We're looking forward to quite a few Core Group gatherings!!
As I'm sure you all know, Patrick and I thoroughly enjoyed Jessa's surprise 30th birthday party/funeral. :) It was so great to meet all the other Core Groupies and more people from the church. The more Patrick and I get involved with Homewood Church of Christ, the more comfortable we feel there. We are so excited to have found what we believe will be a great church home for us and a group where we feel like family.
This next weekend will be great, because my little (BIG) bro is staying with us for a night! He's coming Saturday for plenty of July 4 fun. We'll eat good and play video games, stay up late, etc. It should be great fun. And I am SO EXCITED for it to be a three-day weekend ... you just don't even know.
On to more important things, such as Harry Potter ... two weeks until the movie!! Patrick and I are already planning to see it at least four times. Once right when it comes out, probably once again with friends, once in IMAX to see it in 3-D and once with my little bro at the closed-captioned theater in Trussville. It's going to be AWESOME. We've seen a couple of movies so far this summer -- "Star Trek," "Transformers 2" -- but I expect "Harry Potter" to be the best of the bunch. Although I have to say, "Star Trek" did blow my mind. It was a fantastic flick and one I really, really recommend to anybody. And I am NOT a Star Trek fan. All of my girlfriends that have seen the movie absolutely loved it.
Meanwhile, I would recommend only seeing "Transformers 2" if you really, really liked the first one. The second one was a lot of fun, but there were definitely some jokes that were not really intended for girls. For example, the audience is treated to a big, swinging set of bronze cojones on one of the Decepticons (bad robots) ... and then the joke is "Hey, I'm under the robot scrotum!" -- Exactly. Hilarious.
Other than that, we've just been moving along. I've been learning a few new songs; of note are "Take It On the Run" by REO Speedwagon and "Foreplay/Long Time" by Boston. Playing some Rock Band, watching "Boston Legal" and "The X-Files." You know how it is.
OK, so update: officially over. I will try to update more often, especially, as things happen. But I do love you all, and I hope I find you again in good health and happy times!!